The Infamous "Jones"

Wise History and English combined to express self

Gang Violence

     This review is based off of gang violence. Gang viloence is an illegal act perpetarted by gangs against innoncent people. This type of act has increased tremendously and has cause  harmful situations to take place.  Till this day there have not been ways to improve this illlegal act. Some may say that being in a gang is a stuggle, while others say it is life. But what is the real reason people of different races seem to be about of gangs? This review will reveal the thought process behind the real reason people choose to be members of gangs. The review will also illustrate how gang violence takes a toll on a person by breaking them down physically. emotionally, and mentally to the point where getting out of this act can mean death.


Following the Exquisite, “Miss Keri Baby”!/MissKeriBaby

    Firstly, Twitter is a social network that allows users to post materials and check instant updates on their twitter page. It is a resourceful site that gives users the benefit of following politicians, celebrities, athletes, and other favorites. With my twitter experience, I took the time to follow an amazing idol of mine, Keri Hilson.

    Secondly, Keri Hilson is an outstanding R&B songwriter and artist. She is very gifted and talented in her music. Not only is she an artist but she connects with her artist through her twitter page.  Her tweets are very inspirational through quotes, videos, and other activities to express her feelings which give her audiences advise. One of her quotes says, ”Sometimes it takes being apart to see things for how they really are. Clarity comes in the loneliest moments.” This quote really helps the audience, preferably me, to see that artist go through the same situations as their fans. From reviewing Miss Hilson’s twitter I can tell that she is herself through what I see on television and what I see through her tweets. Another quote “Realizations are great, but sometimes they hurt”, shows Hilson’s inner emotions.  Her tweets are very uplifting and sometimes comical which is why I like her a lot. Last but not least Hilson’s popular video, “Pretty Girl Rock” ( gives girls confidence and helps them believe in themselves. It is very encouraging from teen women to adults. Keri Hilson is a Phenomenal women her posses positive energy and attitudes on her twitter page.    

     Thirdly, my twitter experience has been very fulfilling and I found that by following entertainers, politicians, etc, it shows their inner self. It gives the audience a sense of character from the follower. My twitter experience has been very informative and engaging because it allows me to form a secret bond with the follower, like Keri Hilson. Other people like Barack Obama, Dwayne Wade, Oprah Winfrey, and Ebony Magazine are a few that I have also followed. All of those followers are very informative and gives me background information.

   Last but not least, I would encourage any and everybody to have a twitter account because it gives the user the ability to form an connection with the follower. It is a very simple social network that allows the user to see anything they want to see involving their favorites. Keri Hilson is my favorite follower because I feel that I form a certain connection with her tweets. Her personality shows through her tweets and that is what I like about her.

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